New Products - State of the Art

At IFSS, our commitment to customer care and providing world-class service extends to the type of products we offer our clients.  We want you to have the best, which is why we regularly update our existing product offerings and employ the latest in technological innovations as part of our security solutions.

Revolutionary technology at work – making your job easier and minimizing liability risks within your business.  Contact IFSS today for a free, no-obligation consultation and security assessment.

DiBos 19 inch Digitial Video Recorders - Version 8 (AMEC)
DiBos uses Bosch's proven state of the art digital recording and communications technology and takes video surveillance to a new level. It is an integral part of overall security solutions for a wide range of applications - including banks, large retailers, railway stations, airtports, city centers, industrial facilities, and office buildings.

Read more about this product to see how it can fit into your business security plan.